有酸的,必有甜的。哈哈!! 既然有人自动走向前,拿出一张红钞票放进我们的捐赈箱。真的快乐似神仙…. 不需耗那唇舌的力,钱就自动滚进来。Yeah!! 我觉得最自豪的一件事,就是既然有路人称赞我们哦!!他们赞说:‘u guys done a good job!!’ ……. ‘U guys are rock STARs!!’ ….. ‘ HIV rocks!!’….. They appreciate what we have done!!! Yeah!!
Event 的第一天,早上六点四十五分就要在kl sentral 集合,然后带着兴奋及期待的心情往PICC 出发。到达目的地,只见犹如蚂蚁般小的delegates,密密麻麻的遍布整个PICC,周遭充满着每个人的谈笑风声,把宁静的早晨给唤醒了。我们以迅速的行动,各就各位,start action... 接近九点,delegates 慢慢的把 plenary hall 给填满。Event 的intro是,由数位吉他手和一位唱将 演奏yes2009的主题曲,接着, Lorraine Hahn, CNN 女主播接棒,迎进harmandar singh 和khailee Ng’s speech. 当天,总共有四位知名度甚深的名人,与我们分享他们的曾经,梦想,未来,期望。他们就是Biz Stone, Dr.Mamphela, Narain Magliano & Sir Bob Geldof.
Biz Stone- 我真的听不明他在讲什么。 Aiksss…. 我自认我的英文是有限公司,有点失败。我想是时候要恶补恶补我的英文。Hahaha!!
Dr.Mamphela- erm… 她大多数说: morality, ethics, world issues, environmental friendly, and …... I remember what she said, how she overcome the pressure that comes from the ground of society since she’s an African and tried to climb up the world staircases. How hard she strived for, and today, she becomes a successful business woman. 永不放弃,拼死到底!!
Narain Karthikeyan- he’s F1 driver, quite handsome. Wahaha!! But not manage to take pic wit him. He talked about his life & how he reached his dream. He also shared about how he pursue his parents and make them to support him to go toward the dream. 千万不要放弃自己的梦想,有梦想,才有动力。只要你说可以,一定可以。
Sir Bob Geldof-he’s quite funny, good speaker as well. It was a pleasant to see him have the laughing with a few sentences before pop-up with more serious matters. He emphasized on ‘changes, always make a difference’. His talks quite inspired. Every1 doesn’t hope for the change, stay at origin is the best. But, the changes will occur silently when something happens or comes to u without ur realize because there is a centre change point. 改变,代表着无限的可能!!
到了event的第二天,像平常般的站岗。原来,volunteer 是那么的自由自在,可以自出自入。 不是想象中的那么严…. 尤其是break time 和lunch, 我们从zone A吃到zone c,真的好幸福哦!!(应该又胖了两公斤吧!) 当天,有八位speaker 轮流分享他们的点滴。他们是,Garry Kasparov, Donald Trump, David Magliano, Nando Parrado, Randi Zuckerberg, Yashwant Sinha, Long Yongtu, & Tony fernandes.
Garry Kasparov-He talked about strategic thinking, importance of innovation, information & technology, evolution, change constantly and…… if u do not change yourself , u still u, everything will still be the same, won’t get any improvement on that. Do not look minimal on ‘CHANGE’.
Tony Fernandes- His talks aso quite entertain. Lol. He is telling his tale of how worth RM1. Began a legacy that started with 2 planes to now 86 planes. With a tagline ‘now every1 can fly, Airasia is now one of the largest low cost carriers in Asia and it’s philosophy of low fares is aimed at making flying affordable for everyone. Also had small laughing from the crowd when he said, how can one name their flight as an insect name, ‘firefly’. Lol. His philosophy: • Believe the unbelievable • Dream the impossible • Never say no for the anwser
David Magliano –He shared about how he helps London to get the Olympic 2012 holder right, which started with a vision & prompt action. I’m not really listening to that speech because I felt asleep that time (maybe too tired or too bored). I like the video clip that he showed to us, especially the Africa’s kid. The kid gives me the sense of desire feeling towards to Olympic.
Randi- she mentioned facebook addiction Yes2009 is opening more minds that facebook is for everyone to connect and be in touch. It’s only a medium; it’s how we go from here the matters. We’re addicted & it’s affecting our lives.
Nando Parrado-The plane crash had changed his life. He feels the bitterness and the painfulness that no one can ever feel because his mum and younger sis passed away in that accident. I feel so touch when he said: ‘my mum is not here anymore, my sis is not here anymore …..’ .How he could survive for 72 days in Andes, no food, and freeze cool, no water…. I can’t imagine how he survived. What actually motivated him when he took a step towards the mountain? He told us that are actually come from his father. It’s really a miracle. Can u feel how big/strong the power of love? He also said that just tell what u want to say to the person that u love/care when u feel like want to tell, do not always wait till when he/she is not around anymore.
就这样,yes2009落幕了。有点不舍得…. 我很享受整个过程,虽然有点累,可是,是值得的。一件事值得振奋的事,volunteer also got paid. Haha!!